An overview of Starboard Wealth financial planning service and products


Financial Planning

The process is one we have refined over the years. Each client has different goals, and is in a different stage of life with different financial obligations.
We customize each plan focusing on our process which includes:

  1. Determining your current financial situation.
  2. Developing financial goals.
  3. Identifying alternative courses of action.
  4. Evaluating alternatives.
  5. Creating and implementing a financial action plan, and.
  6. Reevaluating and revising the plan.


The number one service that people reach out to us for is retirement planning. Questions range from will I ever have enough money to retire to how much money do I need to retire?

Our analysis includes a detailed look at what you spend today. What does your retirement dream look like and what financial resources do you have (For example RRSP, Pensions, TFSA, CPP, OAS)? We consider the effects of tax grind and inflation.

How do you draw an income from what you have built? Out of our conversations come recommendations.

We help our clients build an appropriate investment strategy to fit their goals and circumstances. We have always been goal-based planners. We measure success not by how the portfolio performs today or over the most recent quarter, but by how well we are achieving the long-term results each client is working towards. We recognize that socially responsible investment is important to our clients. ESG analysis is part of our ethos.


We help our clients build an appropriate investment strategy to fit their goals and circumstances. We have always been goal-based planners. We measure success not by how the portfolio performs today or over the most recent quarter, but by how well we are achieving the long-term results each client is working towards. We recognize that socially responsible investment is important to our clients. ESG analysis is part of our ethos.

The Investments

  • Mutual Funds: Traditional and Fee-Based Investing is offered through our dealer Quadrus Investment Services. While Quadrus is our dealer, they do not influence what investment management firms we recommend for clients.
  • Insured Investments: Segregated funds, GICs, Annuities, and GMWBs.
  • Banking Products: GICs. Lending, low-cost/high-interest savings, and GICs. Mortgages and Lines of credit also available.

We have the knowledge, the experience and the tools necessary to navigate investment opportunities and make responsible recommendations. Each investor and situation is unique. We strive to understand our clients, and the unique situations they are in as completely as possible, allowing us to recommend the most appropriate platform, products, and strategies with confidence. Course corrections are ongoing as changing circumstances dictate.

Risk Management

What is Risk Management?

Life is unpredictable. Loss of life, disability, or a critical illness are things none of us want to think about. These can have a huge impact on the financial life of our families and/or us. Risk Management helps us prepare and protect both ourselves and those we care about.

We offer the following services/products:

Critical Illness insurance: 

Critical Illness insurance provides a lump sum benefit at the onset of any of the named conditions in the contract – most notably: heart attack, stroke, and cancer.

Disability Insurance: 

Disability is a risk that you cannot afford to ignore. The resulting loss of income along with the potential for increased costs during the period of disability can be devastating to you and your family. Steps should be taken to mitigate this risk with an appropriate disability income insurance plan.

Life Insurance:

Life insurance is all about caring for someone else. There are two basic reasons to own life insurance:

  1. You want to protect the future of those financially dependent on you in the event you should die prematurely.
  2. You want to increase the wealth that you leave behind for heirs and organizations that you care about.

Corporate Insurance Needs

There are of course, other uses for life insurance, especially in business settings, where the risk to a company associated with losing a key employee or owner is often great enough to warrant an insurance solution. Additionally, life insurance is often used to ensure that debts are eliminated when the borrower dies to ensure that assets can be retained by the business or the family of the survivor.